Document Type

Thesis, Senior




Fall 12-1985


Housing, NYC, East Village, redeveleopment, low-rise high-density urban housing




Architectural History and Criticism | Other Architecture | Place and Environment | Urban, Community and Regional Planning | Urban Studies and Planning


The intent of this thesis is to develop low-rise, high density urban housing which will provide its occupants with the basic amenities of light, air, and green space, while reconstructing and extending the fabric of New York City into an area of the East Village.
There exists in the East Village, as in other areas of Manhattan, an uneasy relationship between the low-scale rowhouses and tenements [...] and the monolithic architecture of the superblock housing developments of the 1950s. These rowhouses and tenements [...] provided few amenities for its inhabitants.
The proposed development would investigate new housing prototypes for a mixed-income community, that on a alrger scale, would tie this ambiguous area of Manhattan back into the grid of the city.
Innovative housing design should work within an existnig urban as wall as social context. Flexible dwelling units which allow various responses to the changing household structure of contemporary society will be considered. Since it is both impractical and unrealistic to assume that the existing developments will all be destroyed to facilitate redevelopment, one goal of this thesis will be to integrate these building into the new housing development.